Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter: it's not about the bunny

It's not about the eggs, it's not about the candy, and it's not about the Easter Bunny. (Or the Easter Beagle, if you're a Charlie Brown fan.).  It's also not about new clothes and presents.  The word "Easter" derives from the old English word Eastre, which refers to Eostur-monath, a month of the Germanic calendar named after the goddess Eostre of Anglo-Saxon mythology.   The correct name of Easter, in my mind, should be Resurrection Day.

What Easter is really all about is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave three days after he died on the cross.   There are those who think that Easter is to celebrate spring's arrival.  Why should we celebrate something that happens every year?  Jesus was resurrected once and for all time.  That's worth celebrating every year (and every day, for that matter)!

Jesus triumphed over death and the grave.  Because He rose from the dead, sin and death have been defeated forever. The victory was His on that Resurrection Day.  The victory is now ours as well, for Jesus' death on the cross saved us from our sins and His resurrection redeems us and justifies us.

Matthew 27:52-53 records that when Jesus rose from the grave, many of the saints rose from their graves and appeared to those in the city.  We who believe in Christ will have our own Resurrection Day since believers will be raised from the dead at the Rapture.  Unbelievers will have a Resurrection Day at the second coming of Christ, and they will face God's judgment at the Bema Seat.  Examine your heart right now and determine on which Resurrection Day you will be raised - the first or the second?  If you determine that you'll be raised on the second Resurrection Day, and that concerns you, I urge you to pray for forgiveness from your sins and accept the sacrifice made on the cross for you.  If you are unsure as to how to pray for forgiveness, click here for some assistance.  And please comment below if you prayed for forgiveness and received Jesus as your Savior.  I want to rejoice with you!

So today on this Resurrection Day, set your hearts and minds on the real reason to celebrate - the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  Have a blessed day!

Your sister in Christ,


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